Batman: The Junkyard Challenge
Released on January 09, 2021 by link_7777
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Do you love Batman, but yearn for more? Do you find the game to be too easy? Are you looking for a challenge? If so then this may be the hack for you.This hack came about because of conversations with Batman speedrunner junkyard_dave wherein existing hacks of the game were lamented. This hack aims to rectify the situation by providing a new and difficult experience for anyone daring enough to attempt The Junkyard Challenge.
This hack features all new (and significantly more difficult) stages. Other changes that add to the challenge include enemy placements/health and boss AI. The item drop tables have also been changed. Though difficult, note that damage boosts are not required in this hack. It is possible that some maneuvers that require sub-pixel precision to avoid damage have slipped through the cracks, but this would be no more than a few instances. If well executed nearly all (if not actually all) of the game should be playable damage-less.
Available on: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)