KindergarTen 3: The Basement

Released on March 21, 2015 by edmondedi
KindergarTen 3: The Basement
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The third part of the game is a little different to the other two. This part can be described as the mixture of the first two games. KindergarTen 1 was a little bit hard, full with jump scares and fast dolls/ plushies. KindergarTen 2 was much easier than the first game, but there were a few more horror elements and ambiance added; the second game gave a big focus at the backstory of the game/ of the murder.
So the third game actually contains both elements. It gives very big attention to the story, but it has even more chases and jump scares as the first one has. Now the player has to pay attention to one more thing: the oxygen pump. In every 2 minutes the player has to restart it to survive.
Available on: PC (Microsoft Windows)

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