Forgotten Runiverse

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Forgotten Runiverse is a grand fantasy MMORPG full of magic and wonder based on the lore of Magic Machine's Forgotten Runes Wizard’s Cult NFT Collection. The game is developed and published by Bisonic, Inc.The Runiverse is open to anyone – begin your adventure, play, create, own land, and earn your place in the pantheon of legends while owning the things you create.
Forgotten Runiverse allows players to adventure across a massive world to discover hidden secrets and quests and hunt a wide array of monsters and creatures for rare treasures and experience on your way to level 50. The rewards from these quests will allow players to craft and forge spells, weapons, armor, houses, decorations and more, each with unique qualities determined by both materials and your mastery of crafting.
Forgotten Runiverse includes on-chain content but does not require a wallet or engaging with the blockchain to play. Early releases of the game will allow users to mint certain cosmetic items to the Arbitrum blockchain to display, trade, or resell. The full release will also include in-game land plots that allow players to help shape the world for everyone by building traveling stations, material gathering stations, housing, or service buildings including forges and mage workshops.
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