Brave New World 2

Released on November 14, 2023 by derv82
Brave New World 2
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BNW2 contains a total of 100 rooms across 26 exits, with 13 exits for Any% (no secrets/palaces). Most levels are 5-7 rooms in length.

Just like its predecessor, BNW2 is a showcase of glitches that exist within Super Mario World engine.
Some of these glitches (commonly found in "Kuso" hacks) can be extremely precise and require frame-perfect inputs.
My intent was to make the execution of glitches as simple as possible while still being challenging and fun.
Though the custom ASM & graphics prevent BNW2 from being a completely "vanilla" hack, the glitch tech involved *is* vanilla and can be reproduced in the base game.
Available on: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)

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