Purple Prose for Purple Hearts: **** the Witch

Purple Prose for Purple Hearts: **** the Witch
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Meet Lucia. You're probably wondering how she-

okay, okay - you're probably not wondering that. She certainly is though; she tends to do it far too much. Today, she's had a funny idea: it includes, among other things, capturing a person in a pretty consensual, laidback, entirely safe manner to have a drawn out conversation about, like...God, the moral bankruptcy of 1900s psychological studies...anime maybe?

If that sounds trite on its face, well, perhaps it is. What ensues though is an event unheard of on the Last World, the world located most closely to the end of the universe and the last one we are ever likely to get in this lifetime. It is a leisurely trip through a maze with jagged edges. It becomes a commentary upon commentary as commentators gather to gawk and speculate about a series of events no one can really firmly understand.

And what the hey: you stick around after the end, we got romance, thrills, chills, and things it would be impolitic to talk about as a lead-in to an adventure through comforting environs with a witch and her agenda.
Available on: PC (Microsoft Windows)

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