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SUGOI (Shut Up and Get On It) is a collaborative level pack created as a community project led by TehRealSalt. It was inspired by DUMP, a similar project from the ZDoom community. The premise of SUGOI was to encourage community members to make a level in a limited timeframe, similar to the Official Level Design Contest but without the competitive aspects. Any community member could contribute, regardless of their mapping experience, and all submissions made in good faith were accepted, regardless of their quality. The mapping phase lasted from July 9th until August 9th, 2016. Afterwards, TehRealSalt compiled the results into a level pack, which was released on September 6th, 2016. The project was much more successful than originally anticipated, receiving 30 maps from 25 different contributors. Its success inspired two sequels, SUBARASHII and KIMOKAWAIII.
Available on: PC (Microsoft Windows)

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